

Well... let's see. In my last post I had come back to WA to "rest." My body was shutting down after way way way too much exertion. Mentally, physically, emotionally... the whole shebang. So a dearest drives me to WA from CA and drops me off. I gave myself the most "down time" I've had in ages. I waited seven whole days to drive back to CA and get back to work. Then, six days later, I drive back to WA for a wedding this weekend. Another wedding. (Although, this weekend's wedding is dry, which will make it significantly different than the one I went to last weekend.) This time I'm in WA for three days. On monday I drive back to California. I'll be there at least two days. I have at least one month after that of total uncertainty, constant change, and rapid movement. I may not stay anywhere longer than a few days. But I'm not really sure until I get there.

I'm tired.

Right this minute I'm fairly convinced that, by this winter, I may actually be ready to stop and sit a while. I want to nest. Big time.

Will this be the year that I finally chill out?


Big tings a gwan.

(We'll see...)

My love... and my peace bank.

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