
Tis the Season

I have never had a blog during this time of year... this is the time of year that I hardly even use a phone, let alone internet. I'm out of service the majority of my time now... phone service... internet service... delivery service... pretty much any type of service.

The short of the long is that postings may dwindle to a bit of a trickle for a while.

Marin has been much better about keeping up... and you can see a glimpse of what we've been up to together at her blog:

Last weekend I was in WA:

One million congratulations to my dear Brandy.

This week I was instantly a world away in Butte County...

where I found living proof that distance has nothing to do with closeness:

In my rush to leave town again... (I am off to yet another county)... I must leave you with a must see (probably in full screen and buffered completely):


(Life, that is.)




Well... let's see. In my last post I had come back to WA to "rest." My body was shutting down after way way way too much exertion. Mentally, physically, emotionally... the whole shebang. So a dearest drives me to WA from CA and drops me off. I gave myself the most "down time" I've had in ages. I waited seven whole days to drive back to CA and get back to work. Then, six days later, I drive back to WA for a wedding this weekend. Another wedding. (Although, this weekend's wedding is dry, which will make it significantly different than the one I went to last weekend.) This time I'm in WA for three days. On monday I drive back to California. I'll be there at least two days. I have at least one month after that of total uncertainty, constant change, and rapid movement. I may not stay anywhere longer than a few days. But I'm not really sure until I get there.

I'm tired.

Right this minute I'm fairly convinced that, by this winter, I may actually be ready to stop and sit a while. I want to nest. Big time.

Will this be the year that I finally chill out?


Big tings a gwan.

(We'll see...)

My love... and my peace bank.


Time Out

So, after much anticipation, I finally made it to California. Then, quite unexpectedly, I had to return to Washington this week. I'm on time out.

As much as I evidently needed the relaxation, I miss California, and the whole batch of crazy that goes along with it, already.

A glimpse from Jazmine's camera from my two weeks down south (thanks for the pics Jaz):

I love my life and I miss all of you terribly, again.

But I'll be back soon.

Until then I'm entertaining myself... these videos make me happy and I hope they make you happy too:
